The Prae Wood School Association (PWSA) 100 Club is a fun idea to raise much needed funds for our school. The PWSA is currently raising funds to improve the outdoor play areas and 'enrichment' activities which support the curriculum in all classes. With very little effort you can sign up today, then sit back and wait to see if you are one of our lucky monthly winners – what could be easier?
So what is the 100 Club? The 100 Club is the school’s equivalent to the lottery. The prizes may not be as high but the odds of winning are greater. For just £1 per month (paid in advance in an annual subscription of £12) you will be allocated a number and you will have the chance to win one of three cash prizes awarded each month. The monthly prize fund if we have 100 members is £50.
For each £1 donated, 50p goes to the prize fund, and 50p goes to the school. The winning numbers will be published in the school newsletter and you will be contacted if you are a prize winner. The 100 Club is not only fun and a great way to get involved with the school but also a good opportunity to win some prize money. You can buy as many numbers as you would like for yourself or for someone else. Why not ask a relative or friend if they would like to join in too? The more who join, the bigger the prize fund and the more money we raise for our school!
If you would like to join in the fun, please complete the membership form and post it into the PWSA box in the school foyer in an envelope marked ‘100 Club’. Ideally please pay £12 annually by standing order to the PWSA bank account sort code 20-02-06 account number 40501247. Please put your name and ‘100 Club’ as the reference so we know you’ve paid. Alternatively cheques should be made payable to ‘PWSA’ or you can pay with cash. If you join after September your payment should be reduced on a pro rata basis to fall in line with the renewal date of 1 September each year (eg £11 if you join by the end of October, £10 by the end of November and £9 if you join by the end of December etc.).
If you have any queries please contact Clare Davis at school (Mum of Jack, Year 2 and Adam, Nursery) or email
Thank you so much for your continued support in helping to raise funds for Prae Wood Primary School.
Click here to download our application form.
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